About Us
In the fast moving online shopping and e-commerce arena, Kumoten is a key dropship wholeseller (borong) for people who sells to consumer through online marketplace, social media or even own website. We are the largest dropship in Malaysia offering thousands of items to all dropship agents in Malaysia and South East Asia.
We help people ("agen dropship") of all walks of life to start selling online almost instantly free of charge. Through Kumoten, you can start making money online without buying stocks up front to sell and worrying whether you can finish selling the stocks. Signing up as a dropship agent or dropship wholesale agent is free of charge. No admin fee.
Our range of products include : fashion, clothing, tudung, hijab, children toys, electrical gadgets, household items, beauty products and many more. In 2015, we carry up to 10,000 SKUs and is still growing.
By being a Kumoten dropshipper or dropship agent, you can earn the extra income without leaving your day job. While you go to work, our team pack and deliver the item straight to your customers.
Kumoten supports your business and wants you to build your own brand. Kumoten is invincible to your customers. By doing the right things, we want your customers to know that you have done an excellent job meeting their expectations in terms of product quality, packaging and speedy delivery whenever they buy from your online store.
Automation is key in our system. We minimize human intervention as much as possible and let the system simplify the workflow. With proper system design and setup, we are able to minimize error, ensuring high level of customer service to our clients and the end consumer.
Kumoten is a brand owned by OGN Online Sdn Bhd. Our core proposition is to make online selling easy by providing fulfilment services to dropshippers.